Friday, October 31, 2008


This picture was taken last Halloween at the Filly and Firkin. Yes yes the attractive looking blonde is me and the beautiful pimp with the black top hat is my girl. Unfortunately this Halloween we are in our apartment watching TV and making beet chips. Last Halloween i had a stuffed bra and this year I'm chilling out to save for the trip of a life time. I did do something festive for Halloween, I put up some decorations for the Firkin. We live in a bungalo apartment and we were at the grocery store today, but we didn't know if we should buy any candy for kids if they stopped by trick or treating. So we decided not to and if someone came by for a treat we would hide. So far no knock and its 11pm, its safe to say no one is coming. Plus those treats would be one hell of a temptation since we're detoxing.


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