Friday, October 31, 2008


This picture was taken last Halloween at the Filly and Firkin. Yes yes the attractive looking blonde is me and the beautiful pimp with the black top hat is my girl. Unfortunately this Halloween we are in our apartment watching TV and making beet chips. Last Halloween i had a stuffed bra and this year I'm chilling out to save for the trip of a life time. I did do something festive for Halloween, I put up some decorations for the Firkin. We live in a bungalo apartment and we were at the grocery store today, but we didn't know if we should buy any candy for kids if they stopped by trick or treating. So we decided not to and if someone came by for a treat we would hide. So far no knock and its 11pm, its safe to say no one is coming. Plus those treats would be one hell of a temptation since we're detoxing.


Thursday, October 30, 2008's cold in here!

So we're still detoxing. One more week to go! I don't know about Trevor, but I've lost some weight since I started. My skin looks great. I've been happier and had more energy. So there is a point to being on this detox. I just don't want to go back to eating the same way I did before after the 21 days is up. I do, however, want to drink! I also do need to eat a good chocolatey dessert, so those two things are first and foremost on the agenda and once I've had both my chocolate and alcohol fix, I'll go back to carrots and chicken and gluten free pasta :)

Other than that we are more than excited to move! We booked our one way flights to London a few months ago. We've booked the moving van to get our stuff to my parents house. We've put a couple of our things up for sale on the web. We've canceled our Hydro, Gas and Cable, obviously also notified our landlord that we're leaving too....and she's already rented out our place to a stripper :) She shows our apartment without asking us. She came by to tell us they were turning off the water for a few hours this morning, so after she told us she'd rented it out to a "dancer," she left and the first thing I said to Trevor was "Oh so she brought a stripper into our apartment!" Sometimes you gotta love Niagara Falls....'cause that's hilarious.

We've also got St. Paddy's Day (March 17th) booked. I know it's a little far ahead, but apparently it's a pretty busy time of year so better to be safe than sorry. We've booked our flight and hotel, YAY! We're going with my good friend from high school. He lives in London now. We're actually staying with him when we get there. This is obviously before we find a place of our own (and jobs!).

Anyways, just thought I'd give you an update on our EXCITING lives! We just had the last
couple of days off of work and we've been hibernating in our warm, little apartment. Here's what we look like when we're hibernating:


Thursday, October 23, 2008

L's Haiku

get me outta here
small-minded town and people
life will be good soon

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Detoxing is hard!

So for a week now Trev and I have been detoxing. Dr. Joshi's holistic detox to be exact. The top ten rules of the detox are as follows:

-No Red Meat
-No Dairy Produce
-No Fruit (except Bananas)
-No Wheat, Gluten, Yeast
-No Alcohol
-No Biscuits, Cakes, Doughnuts
-No Jams, Spreads (except Honey)
-No Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee or Tea (except Herbal teas)
-No Sugar, Chocolate or Sweets
-No Artificially Produced Flavourings: Ketchup, Vinegar, Mustard etc.

The entire point of eating this way for 21 days, is to feel and look better. We're almost done Week 1 (which is generally the hardest) and we do feel a lot better. This is the 3rd time we've done this detox and the first time (which probably took place around early April-ish 2007) I was ecstatic with the changes I experienced over just 3 short weeks (although it felt a lot longer at the time). Joshi quotes on the back of the book "If no-one comments within two weeks on how great you're looking - you must be cheating." And it's'd be surprised.

My family's in town tomorrow night and taking us to our favourite steak house for dinner. So there will be a bit of detox cheating taking place. I can't speak for Trevor, but I'm somehow going to pass on the alcohol (even though I love a good glass of red at dinner and the martini's at this place are really amazing). And then instead of having a nice fat steak for dinner, I'll opt for fish instead. So although I'll be cheating on the detox, at least I won't feel like absolute crap for doing so.

There's not a lot of information on this detox on the web (although the book is great and you can buy it off, but there's a forum link that I've managed to find a lot of information and ideas from, click here to take a look.

Here's a pic of some of our usual food we love to eat (and can't eat on this detox!)


Beer Bonging is dangerous

This was taken on our 2nd day in Puerto Penasco (aka Rocky Point) in Mexico. After receiving text messages regarding work issues from back home. In order to deal with the stress this caused, I manned up and demanded to do some beer bongs. Well, one to be exact. After spilling some of my beer in the sand (and subsequently adding quite a bit of sand to it), it only made sense to take it down in a few big gulps instead of sipping it slowly - mmmmmmmsand.

While administering the beer bong, Martini (pictured here) decided to add her entire beer as well, half way through. This led to the coughing fit pictured here:

Wow....that's hot.

Remember kids, you can choke while doing a beer bong. Don't ever do them unsupervised and make sure not to swallow the beer down your windpipe....I had a pretty close call that day, but I'm still here and you know the next time I do a beer bong, I'll be a lot more careful :)


The king of breakfast pizzas

The breakfast pizza from Basha's Super Market in Phoenix, Arizona.
This pizza had bacon, cheese, baked hash browns, and scrambled egg. I wasn't even hungry I was bored shopping for food for Mexico with Lauren and her best friend Kara. So I wonder off and stumbled upon this strange looking pizza covered in cheese trying to figure out the rest of the ingredients. I asked the Lady behind the counter what kind of pizza is this? Her reply was a breakfast pizza. So i had to try it, let me tell you i wish i bought one for the next morning in Mexico. I would have been cured of my hang over. Instead I had another beer to start my day off. I call this pizza Greasy spoon to go.

P.S. - I was chewing in this photo...

Here's a close up of the monstrosity:
Don't be jealous.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Off to London Town

So we're booked and ready to fly to London on the 7th of December 2008. We couldn't be happier because we're finally getting out of Hell...oops, I meant Niagara Falls. We haven't even been here for a year but it feels like forever. Now all we have to do is sell our stuff and move what we want to keep to my parents house in Richmond Hill. We'll keep you posted once our lives become more exciting, but until then we'll trudge along, working and dying in a restaurant, scrimping and saving where we can so that we can reap the benefits later.....


These are a few of our favourite things! Click on them to buy them yourself!