Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another normal day.....or was it ?

It was Tuesday November 11 and it was Lauren and I's Friday. We had plans to go out, with Vanessa to eat, drink, and relax. We thought it would be a normal day, I would serve and open the restaurant and Lauren would do the management work. We got to the shop a bit early so there was no cook yet to work in the kitchen. It was twenty after nine and no kitchen staff. That was a bit of a worry so Lauren called to find out what was happening. The cook that was supposed to come in that day had thrown out his back and couldn't come in. The next staff member was in at eleven am. The kitchen manager was a temp because the other kitchen manager was fired a few weeks before. On a side note, the restaurant has gone through six kitchen managers in a year so there has been some issues. The temporary kitchen manager was in at eleven to work but that was not the case. He came in to quit and drop off the store key. The situation from there was the bartender was coming in at ten, I was going to prep, cook and get the kitchen started with Lauren. Lauren called in Vanessa to do the manager work while we cooked, while the pussy ass temp kitchen manager was walking out and leaving us fucked. I asked a few questions to start the prep for the morning like how to work the steam table what is the temperature, what temperature do you cook the bacon at. Lauren went upstairs after prepping veggies for her soup, to see what we needed to order for food from GFS (Gordon Food Services). While Lauren was up stairs I opened the restaurant an hour and half late to serve up some grub. When I opened up I didn't think I would have to cook right away because it was Tuesday not a very busy day. I was wrong, we opened up and the printer went off with a order. I was ready to sink or swim as a cook. I had some amazing Guinness pies on the go as well while I cooked the order. Then I just finished that order and another one was up. As a cook I found the biggest thing is timing, knowing how long everything takes and when to start the next item. Vanessa showed up and got hold of a cook to come in, what a life saver! Cam came in a hour later after finding a baby sitter and life got a bit easier. There was still a lot of cooking to be done and bloody dishes. Vanessa, Lauren and myself all helped out in the dish pit. What a day! But it was over before we knew it and it was time to go out and eat something. There was no time to eat or drink during the day, it was way too busy.

Working here make Trevor want to drink...excessively

Working here makes Lauren want to hang herself with her scarf

So we worked hard all day and that means we are going to play hard too. Lauren was all for not showering and going straight out so we don't get comfortable at home. So we headed out to Clancy's to eat and drink. I had a salad with a chicken burger, Lauren had fish and chips, and Vanessa had a steak and cheese sub with lettuce and tomato. There is an Ecoli outbreak with salad going around in Niagara region. When I ordered the salad I didn't think much of it.
Drunk cross-eyed Lauren

Good times at Clancy's

After we were done at Clancy's and feeling really good we went to my old job, the Best Western Cairn Croft Bar. Its nickname is wrinkle ranch or cougar bar, mostly on Friday nights. There was a live band there so that's why we went and I knew Lauren wanted to sing. The band lets you sing or play there instruments if you know how to play so its pretty cool. Right away we got a pitcher of Blue and three jagerbombs.

Vanessa and Lauren after the Jagerbombs

It was only ten and I got hungry again, we were so drunk at this point. The kitchen was closed at the bar so I went to Ginos pizza across the street. I order a pizza from this stoner at the counter and brought it back to the bar to share. Vanessa went home before me and Lauren did. Lauren wanted to do one more song on stage. The only time Lauren sings is when she is drunk and I mean wasted. After the song we walked home together. Not a very far walk from the bar, maybe ten minutes. In the morning Lauren asked how we got home, I said we walked. That sounded very familiar especially the first time when we met, or the the time we went to the Blue Lagoon Bar, but that's a different story entirely. For not having a very high tolerance we did really well, no hang over or barfing in a drawer. The only thing was half way through the day I had some silent but deadly farts. Then my stomach started to cramp up an hour before bed. We went to bed after that and every hour or so I was in pain and in the washroom dying. I was really quiet so I didn't wake my sweety when I came in and out of bed. Thanks Clancy's for the Ecoli salad. It was good service and great food but don't eat the salad. Very normal day.....NOT.


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