Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Job Hunt Update...

Well since I last wrote, there has been a couple of developments with the job hunts. I interviewed with and did a trial run with Giraffe restaurant. I applied to be an Assistant Manager with them. The interview went so well they asked me to do a trial run with them at their largest and busiest location the following Sunday brunch (the busiest time of the week). So I went and somehow managed to get through it. It was hard though, because if you were doing a trial run as a server or a bartender, you know exactly what your job is and what you're supposed to be doing. But doing a trial run as an Assistant Manager is strange because I can't run around telling the staff what to do and I was asked to make my presence known as a Manager and I wasn't really sure how to do that either. Anyways, overall I think it went well. I smiled a lot which is very important in any job. I ran drinks and food and cleared tables, relayed orders to the servers and offered to help anyone and everyone. Two or three hours into the trial I was approached by one of the servers, "please don't clear any of the plates off my tables until everyone is done." I said "okay" and went over to the Operations Manager who was overseeing my trial run and told her that I'd been clearing tables as I go, meaning that once someone is done with their plate, I took it away from them (regardless of whether the rest of the table was done or not). Well...apparently, here in Britain that's rude and you're not supposed to clear any dirty plates away until everyone at the table is finished. Now I understand the reasoning behind this (that it makes the people that are not done yet, feel that they should hurry up or something), but it just looks like shit, especially with the larger tables, where 9 people would be done eating, but number 10 is still picking away at their plate so the whole table looks dirty and I have to keep walking past it and not doing anything about it. Weird. Thanks for the heads up, guys, would have been nice to have known that sooner. Anyways, after the trial run I sat down with the Operations Manager to go over everything. She said that I was too quiet, but it wasn't a big issue because during my interview I had informed her that that is how I come off in the beginning while I'm still getting to know everyone. She also said that she didn't think I was strong enough to come into that specific store (their biggest and busiest) to be an Assistant Manager there but that there were other roles I'd be more well suited for. She let me know that there were a few more trial runs taking place over the next few days and that she'd call me on Wednesday to let me know what's happening. So here I sit...on Tuesday, crossing my fingers that I'll have a job tomorrow.

Trevor, on the other hand, fed up with applying to lots of jobs online and not hearing anything back, went on Sunday and printed up some CV's to hand around. He walked into the Maple Leaf (London's Famous Canadian bar) and they basically hired him on the spot! They're in desperate need of people right now, what with people being sick and leaving and what not. Plus they only hire Canadians, so bonus for us! He's pretty much been there everyday since working lots. Yesterday he was only supposed to work 12pm-5pm but ended up working a double until Midnight, poor Trev :). But it's awesome that he's working and although it's not ideal, it's something for now and better to make some money than no money.

So hopefully I'll be in that position soon as well. Cross your fingers for me!! And thanks so much to all that faithfully read our blog. Your feedback is important to us so never hesitate to comment on our posts or write to us to let us know what you think!!

Will keep you posted on any new developments...oh and we've yet to get our National Insurance Numbers and Bank Accounts :P
Hopefully we'll be getting those soon as well because they're "kinda" important for jobs!


Here's a few pics of us....just to put a smile on your lovely faces!

Awwww....cute :)
Not so cute...Um...Trev, are you feeling okay? 'Cause you don't look so hot...

My head has to be shaped like this...to support my enormous brain!

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