Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's starting to come together.

Today we woke up to go and get a bank account at HSBC for myself because I had a water bill in my name I received recently, I could use as a proof of address. Well I could not find HSBC where I remembered it and I'm glad I didn't. When we went to HSBC a few days ago to set up account, they told us that the Passport account they had set up for travellers was the best. They also said that no other bank will give us accounts unless we had a bill from a water or gas company. It also cost six pounds per month and you had to sign up for a full year. The street we were on had every bank on it , so we decided to stop into Lloyd's even though we were told it was the hardest to set up a bank account with. We went in from the cold wet weather and into the warm bank. While I stood in line, Lauren looked at the brochures. Lauren found a brochure that had a free classic account for people that are new to the UK. The teller called us over and we asked if we could set up an account today. She asked if we had our passports with us and luckily we both did. Teller said take a seat and someone will be with you. Me and Lauren started talking about how HSBC was screwing us around and if we knew it was this easy, we could of got things done so much earlier. A gentleman asked us to come into an office and have a seat. He asked for our passports and went over some details. All we have to do is go back on Tuesday and pick up our debit cards. The gentleman said that they give bank accounts to South Africans, any one from Europe, Americans, Canadians, and all you needed was a passport. So we are one step closer to settling in. I do feel like HSBC definitely gave us the wrong impression and lied to us. During the banking process, I also got a call from Strand Palace hotel to set up a interview for Tuesday for a serving position. It will pay more then my current job that I just started. I would get a free meal and discounts as well. If you don't know already I'm currently working at The Maple Leaf, a Canadian bar. How funny is that, you go and travel trying to experience new things and you get sucked right back in. I guess hotel and restaurant work is not much different anyway.I have to say I never poured a Cask Ale so that is a new experience. You actually pump the beer through the line by pulling down the tap, until the pint is full. The pub is owned by Spirit Group, a massive company that owns 880 other pubs. The Maple Leaf is the only Canadian bar in the UK, very cool. At the moment its not very busy, I have gotten some tips. I get paid 5.73/hour, I get 50% off all food on the menu and they take 15 minutes off my pay for a break. The Strand Palace on the other hand would give me a free meal and 6.15/hour. The Maple Leaf bar is little more relaxed and better atmosphere but I don't know what it will be like at the hotel. So we will see how it goes on Tuesday when I have my interview. The location is great because I don't have to pay for the tube since it is walking distance for both jobs. Tomorrow Lauren will apply at The Maple Leaf and we might be working together again. So stay tuned and see what happens.


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